The Engagement

I don't know why but I had my heart set on his asking me on December 29th, the day he moved to Canada. I had an inkling that might be in the works when he asked me if I wanted to go to Vancouver to stay in the B&B we stayed in then (I said no, I wanted to be home between Christmas and New Year because I was helping plan a big party and actually I'm glad he asked me at home.) Anyway, December 29th arrived and he went out before I woke up and brought me a dozen lovely long stemmed red roses... we had a quiet day at home and then went out for supper. All through dinner I was antsy because I thought he might ask! We went home and dragged our mattress into the living room so that we could curl up in front of the fire and watch a movie. Then we brushed our teeth and I went to bed thinking "well I guess it's not today!" and then he came around the corner, got down on one knee and said "well Kitten, the waiting is over. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." and he had the NICEST ring I've ever seen! and I said "Yes! now are you going to put it on me?" and then I cried.
And because it was 11:30 at night I then made him get out of bed and go get the flashlight so I could admire it at any time during the night. ;o)
The ring means especially lots to me because I went to EVERY jewelry store in town, and I never saw anything at all, regardless of price, that was exactly what I wanted. But he knows what I like and he brought my best friend with him, and he had it custom made to be perfect. I am VERY spoiled and happy!
The wedding won't be until November 2007, because we're going to Australia for all of this coming June and we'll need that long to save up some money again, but I'm in full-on wedding pr0n mode. ;o)
That is so sweet!! Yes I realizes I have heard the story before, but its such a great one and you wrote it so well!! I actually had to hold back the tears! Oh and thanks for the mention of the best friend :-) I really enjoyed being a part of your wonderful fiance's plans.
Hugs and kisses to you both.
That's so perfect. :)
In contrast...
Kerry and I dated for three years, and for much of it she stated she wanted to marry.
So the day I came back from signing up for the Army, in the Arby's Drive-thru, I told her, "Okay, I guess we can marry now."
She accepted, but was pretty upset at the non-Romantic proposal. After getting the food, I pulled around, parked, walked around, opened her door, descended to one knee and proposed properly - but it was too late for the moment.
Come to think of it, perhaps she married me for revenge, to make me pay for that... :p
*LOL!* Maybe she did. It certainly seems to have been a bad omen. ;o)
You bet I do!
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