Monday, January 23, 2006

The Guy's point of view!

It is kind of tough to know where to begin...Originally I had planned for Kimberly to meet my family in Australia before we went any further...but as time went on it seemed less and less likely that we would get to Australia in 2005.

So having made that decision I then had to figure out when I would propose and take that next step. After all I had found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I also knew who her best friend was and what style of rings Kimberly liked...the rest should be easy!

And it was!

I settled on the 29th of December as the day I wanted to propose a fair way back, it was our 3rd Anniversary and it was always going to be a special day for us. I did not want to propose on Christmas Eve/Day or New Year's Eve/Day as they are already busy days. I did not want to propose on her birthday as that day should always be about her...and Valentine's Day just seemed to cliched.

So having picked a day I then had to make sure the ring was ready. Given that it was a custom made ring and I had never done this before I was not sure how long it would take. So Terri and I got together and started looking (amazing how many stores out there just want to sell you what they have in stock and don't listen when you say you are after a particular style...).

Nugget turned out to be the place to go :-) I had bought Kimberly a Promise Ring there and she loved it, so I knew dealing with them was fine...I just wish they got things done when they were supposed to! Originally the ring was meant to be ready by the first or second week of December but it did not quite work out as planned...and it was just before Christmas when I actually got it! It would have been nice to have the ring in my possession before we went for dinner with Kimberly's mum (after all, the traditionalist in me demanded that I ask her parents!) but it was not to it was only Terri and myself who got to see the ring before Kimberly!

So I just had to hide the ring somewhere until the 29th...and that turned out to be fairly easy (I am not going to say where in case I need to hide other stuff there!). I had hoped to surprise Kimberly with a dozen red roses to wake up to...but apparently I made too much noise in the morning and hence she was awake when I left the house! But given that I have never known her to be upset at getting flowers it worked out pretty well :-) I had also planned for us to go out to dinner and then home to curl up in front of a fire before bed and then propose right before we went to bed. I had all these grand words to say planned out in my head but when it came to actually proposing and seeing her realise that I was actually going to propose...just about everything dribbled out of my head and I am sure I mumbled something that made sense to her...Oh well.

It seemed to work :-)


At 8:46 AM, January 25, 2006, Blogger TL said...

Awwww! I am sure that when Kim saw her love standing in front of her with an amazing ring that there was no need for you to say anything at that point :-)

At 12:16 PM, January 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You rock. I've loved you for your clear and loving effects on Kim since you entered her life, and have been praying for each of you individually and together since she told me she loved you.
I am SO blessed you are together, and working on becoming one. :)

I hope I can somehow attend!

At 12:12 PM, February 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're awesome. :) If I were the harem-having type, I'd send my stealth ninja assassin squadron to kidnap you... But since I'm strictly a one-man* woman (and you'd probably run back to Kim as soon as I let you out of the cage), I'll just enjoy being a friend to both of you and hope that we can shared married-life stories for the next 7 decades. <3

* And what a man he is! :D


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