Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Venue Hunting II

I'm very excited. On Thursday Chris and I are going to have a look at the Courtroom at the Maritime Museum. It will be my second look, and Chris' first. I'm more and more certain that this is where we will be getting married. In my mind's eye I can see it, with loads of fairy lights wrapped around all the banisters, and huge arrangements of lunaria filling up the corners and darker areas, making them glow. We'll have to invest a fair bit of cash into those little LED lights that look like tea lights, but I'm sure we can find uses for them afterwards. I love the way the room glows, and I'm completely taken with the idea of getting married in a courtroom, since we're planning a civil ceremony. It just seems very appropriate but still unusual and cool. Plus, Chris is happy because it means I won't be wearing a red dress! ;o)


At 12:34 PM, March 08, 2006, Blogger Kimberly said...

I haven't posted the pics I took because they came out really dark and hard to see, but if Chris likes the space and we settle on it I will ask if they have other pictures of the space that they can email me.


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