Anyone need new shoes?

I went shopping with my great-aunt Freda yesterday, and we went out to Mattick's Farm, where we wandered into a clothing store and were browsing around.
I noticed a pair of cute flipflops, just like the ones in this picture. I thought they would be nice for the honeymoon, to wander in and out of our room and to the beach in. I looked them over, no price tag.
At this point, and in this store, I figured it was going to be something a bit ridiculous, but I asked the woman for the price anyway.
$100! for foam flipflops!
I'm sorry to say, even for my honeymoon, I am NOT paying that. I'm sorrier to say, I sort of laughed in the woman's face. Genuine Swarovski crystals or not, how ridiculous!
I'll make you some, lets see, flipflops 5.00 tops, glue 1.25, flat back gems 1.25 a bag. Done
There is no end to the depth of stupidity of the purchasing public. I've never come home from a really good holiday with both my flipflops anyway.
heh. yeah, that's really the way to go about it, if you *have* to have "gem studded" flip flops. That way you can have whatever colour you prefer, and it won't be heart-breaking (or bank breaking) if you misplace them.
$100 for flip flops... that's insane.
But... but... Swarovsky crystals! How can you bear to walk away from Swarovsky crystals??
... what's a Swarovsky crystal, anyway? It's probably like 'Swarovsky plastic, the best darn clear plastic out there!' ;)
Yeah. Anyway, Mom's flipflops would be so much better, plus made with love. I vote you give -her- the job.
Swarovski crystals are supposedly the highest quality in terms of brilliance, cut, and colour variety. They have a wide line of products available, from jewelry to home accessories to ipod accessories. go figure. *shrug* They're pretty, yes, but IMO not pretty enough to be worth $100 for flip-flops - and that's a horrible way to use perfectly good crystals! ;)
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