Thursday, March 16, 2006

Congratulations Kimberly!

Kimberly is a happy bouncing kitten right now...she started a new job on Wednesday and LOVES it! I got a phone call from a guy I used to work with and he told me to get Kimberly to apply to a specific person in the Ministry where he works.

So Kimberly crafted her introductory letter, put together a resume and sent it in...

As soon as it was received Kimberly was called.

As soon as Kimberly had her interview she was hired!

So congratulations to Kimberly on finding a job she loves!

It also means she is happy she did so much wedding planning stuff when she had the time...So our wedding planning might slow down a little as our life once again changes. But then again...with Kimberly being HappyGirl and more money coming in...the plans might start snowballing again!


At 5:11 PM, March 16, 2006, Blogger Kimberly said...


after two days of my new job...

I love it!

I am now an auxiliary employee (that means on a contract as opposed to permanent) of the Ministry of Transportation. My job title? Senior Writer, if you please!

I honestly could not possibly be happier about it. I really, really enjoy the work, everyone there has been endlessly kind, and I am finally making more than half of what Chris makes! ;o)

They are happy to let me go to Australia for a month this summer, and I will have a day off every three weeks in which to relax and go shopping and spend my fabulous new paycheque. ;o)

Or to do my homework, if I go ahead with trying to do a Certificate in Management Studies while planning a trip to another continent and a wedding.

Must. Stay. Busy.


At 6:18 PM, March 16, 2006, Blogger Ayshela said...

rah!!! congrats, that's wondermous!


At 9:33 AM, March 17, 2006, Blogger Rhoelyn said...

1) Can you give us a little example of the sorts of things you write, some time?

2) "I will have a day off every three weeks" @_@ I hope you mean that above and beyond weekends. You're not working 7 days a week, are you?


At 12:22 PM, March 19, 2006, Blogger Kimberly said...

Mainly, so far exclusively, what I write is letters.

the Minister for Transportation receives upwards of 10,000 letters a year! Our job at Writing Services is to draft letters using lots of different sources of information that have the "voice" of the minister. They go through up to 8 layers of approval, any of which can send the letter back to be rewritten. If it makes it all the way up to the Minister, he signs it off and it gets mailed to the recipient.

It's a lot of fun. It's creative, but it's also a very intellectual exercise. When I get a letter to answer, I go looking for other letters that have been written answering the same concerns, and if I can't find all the information I need, I research issues and use contacts in other parts of the ministry. Then I put it all together, like a giant puzzle, while trying not to lose the particular tone of voice that the minister uses. It's very challenging, and very fun!

At 3:06 PM, March 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colour Mommy proud :)

At 4:00 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Ayshela said...

i'm thinking a delicate rose colour, but we might want to play with different shades of reds and pinks. good thing we all brought our crayons, eh? ;)


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