Saturday, March 25, 2006

When did I get so old?

Last night when I was brushing my teeth I happened to glance up at the mirror.

"Oh," I thought "there's a cathair on my head. Well that's what I get for having a white cat."

So, I went to remove the Circe hair from my head.

But there was a problem.

It seemed to be attached to my head.

A white hair, NOT black, attached to MY HEAD!

"AH! NOOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed I.

"Wuh ish ih?" asked Chris from around a mouthful of toothpaste.

"A grey hair! I'm not suposed to have grey hair! Ooooh! Noo! I don't want to be old!"

So I plucked it. It's sitting beside my keyboard now. I'm trying to take consolation in the fact that it's a rather pretty sparkly white rather than a dull iron grey or something like that, but really.

I'm too young for this!!

(And it doesn't help that my mother started going grey pretty young. Sigh.)


At 11:34 AM, March 25, 2006, Blogger Ayshela said...

heh... yeah, that's pretty startling, isn't it? i was about thirty when my daughter was in Children's Hospital and my first few showed up, so i got to tease her a little bit about them being her fault. ;) NOW, of course, the youngest two lean over the back of the couch and pick through my hair arguing over which of them caused which grey hairs, until i get tired of it and dye my hair (which happens about once a year).


At 11:38 AM, March 25, 2006, Blogger Kimberly said...

it was VERY startling, *lol* and I can't figure out how it got to be nearly 4 inches long without me noticing!

At 11:29 AM, March 27, 2006, Blogger Rhoelyn said...

Grey hairs do that. They emerge fully-grown from your head, just like Athena from the head of Zeus. I've had a few of those already, and they certainly do have a way of smacking one's noggin' with the AGE hammer. -_-

I'm horrified to hear that you pulled it out, though! Don't you know that pulling one out only causes five more to appear the next day?! Go for dye, next time. ;)

You're not old. A silver strand here and there is far from a grey head.

At 11:34 AM, March 27, 2006, Blogger Ayshela said...

ahh, they do that. especially when you've been busy and distracted, and i can't IMAGINE you being either of THOSE lately! O_o ;)



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