Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Did someone steal a week?

Seriously, I think our apartment has a time hole of some description. It is like when we are getting ready for work in the mornings and all of a sudden we are almost late for our bus because 10 minutes have disappeared!

There is not much to report on the Wedding front, we have been still coming to terms with being a Yuppie D.I.N.K. couple and have not really got back into the planning process. With Terri being pregnant it will mean that the boy (i.e. ME!) gets more involved with the planning. I think I can do it...Kimberly and I do tend to have fairly similar styles in a lot of things...but this IS the first wedding for both of us!

So I think in the coming few weeks we will be getting some more wedding stuff underway. Hopefully Terri will be able to cope with the pressure of being 'Executive Advisor to the Happy Couple' now!

Kimberly did make a trip to IKEA for some retail therapy, so it is not as if we have been working and sleeping all the time. And we did go and visit Butchardt Gardens to see the fireworks (Highly recommended!).

We are just not sure where all the time goes...


At 9:46 AM, August 29, 2006, Blogger Kimberly said...

I think I will put Chris in charge of finding an officiant and lining up some possible caterers for us to go talk to and get estimates from... if we can get a caterer, an officiant, and a photographer before Christmas I think we'll be in good shape. Those are pretty much the essentials- someone to marry us, someone to feed us, and someone to record it!

At 7:09 PM, September 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the bartender, another essential. :) I'm looking foreword to the fun stuff, flowers, dresses, tuxes etc. Mom
PS I took Gram out for dinner on Friday night and bought her a bilinni (sp?) She has never slept better. lol


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