Second Decision Made/Merry Christmas!/stuff!
Well, after much agonizing, we selected a photographer. We decided to go with David Lowes of ArtStudio21 Photography, for all the reasons I listed in my last post. And at the end of the day, we were both leaning towards him, so we decided since we were both leaning in the same direction we should just go with it instead of overthinking the decision. hoorah!
Other than that, we had a really great quiet Christmas. It was just the two of us for Christmas eve, and Christmas morning, then we had a friend over for Christmas dinner. we were very spoiled (highlight: first aid kit from Mom and Don. Knife from friend Chris. See where this is going? Chris had the new knife in hand. He needed to push his sleeves up. result? me applying bandage from new first aid kit to his elbow. *sigh*)
We had a black/white/red/board game christmas, with Chris getting two black and white collingwood tops, me getting a black and white purse, a black and white business card holder, a red purse, and red garnet earrings (even the cover of the novel chris got was red!) and then between us we got Arkham Horror, Scrabble, Thurns & Taxis and Cranium, then I got one of the Arkham Horror expansions on Boxing day. Phew! We got many nice gifts and feel very spoiled.
We took a few days off for the holidays, and we're both very glad. November and December were very busy months, and I apologise to everyone who reads this who didn't get a Christmas card this year- which would be everyone. Somehow that just didn't happen this year.
Other than that though, things are good. We're on track to purchasing a townhouse in the spring, wedding planning continues apace, and both life and work are good. I'm looking forward to us starting jive/swing classes in the new year, plus my birthday next month, and Terri and Steven and Julian's baby Carter being born soon! Lots of good things are happening in our lives and those of the people we love, and we're pretty happy about it.
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