Not quite sure how this much time has passed without an update.
Okay. In general life, things are going really well! Work is amazing. I'm getting paid reasonably good coin to do a job that challenges me and makes me think. My ideas are respected, and I really feel like this is a place where I'm able to make a difference. I'm even on the ministry's "Sucession Management Review Board" now, which is great. Aside from the fact that I recognize we're going to have a demographic crisis in a few years and we're going to be desperate for ANY employees, I feel very strongly that the best way to have an efficient, effective government is to employ hardworking people who believe in what they're doing. Plus, fifteen years down the road when all my current coworkers are retired, I want to have good people to work with!
I'll probably be permanent this spring, and if all goes well, we'll be looking to buy a nice townhouse around the same time.
In wedding news, there are a few things going on.
I'm planning to head over to Vancouver next month with Terri and my mom and my mom's friend Diane to visit a bridal salon over there. I am still looking for the perfect dress. I found one I loved, but it was over $3000 and while I loved it, it wasn't what I've been dreaming about anyways. Not to mention that's WAY too much money!
Other than that, we added a ton of stuff to our registry (partly because Christmas is coming and mom asked me what we wanted) and I've been spending a lot of time looking at photographers. I've narrowed it down to four. I would LIKE to narrow it down further to three then ask them some questions and look at more examples of their work, but so far I just like all four, for different reasons. So I dunno. Chris is not being much help here. *lol* He hasn't found time to really look at the stuff I've emailed him yet.
Once we get photographers sorted out, we'll need a caterer and an officiant, and at that point we have a wedding, and the rest is just nice to haves, in a way. At the very least, we'll have someone to marry us, some food to eat, and someone to take the pictures. Phew!
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