So where are we now?
It's kind of funny how many things need to happen before the wedding planning can advance any. So many things need to be decided upon before there are any visible signs of progress. We cannot decide on a venue until we have looked at them. Then we need to know how many people we will want to invite to make sure the venue is big enough. Which means we need to have a rough idea of the expected date. Which means we have to make sure the venues we are looking at are available for when we want to have our wedding...
Which almost means we have to invite people before we have a venue!
So the planning is getting underway, there is just not much visible progress! Thankfully Kimberly and Terri have thrown themselves into this and seem to be enjoying every moment. It means I can be a step back and let the girls plan :-) After all weddings are all about the girls! I just have to show sober...not make a fool of myself...and be dressed appropriately. I am pretty sure I can handle that!
After all, that is why I have a best man!