Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yay! Back to School?

We went back to the Maritime Museum yesterday to talk to Ann about the final cost of renting the courtroom for the wedding. After we got that sorted out, she mentioned that if we would like, they can arrange the bartending service for us. We might take them up on that. The catering we want to find ourselves because that's part of the fun, but the bartending just needs to be reliable and whatnot. All in all, productive.

In other news, I signed up for Business Management 121: Principles and Practices of Management through BCOU. It's the first course towards my Certificate in Management Studies, and I'm looking forward to it. The neat things are, it's web-based, not paced, and there's no final exam. So I can really work at my own pace and finish it whenever I'm ready. I can also work on it on my lunch breaks at work if I feel like it. Though generally I think I will feel more like gossiping with Terri. ;o)