Thursday, August 10, 2006

And two weeks have FLOWN by

And what have we been up to?

Well Kimberly has been busy finding a new job!

I am going to pester her to post more details about it :-)

Other than that things have been pretty quiet...I had another visit to Vancouver for work, we are trying to get an answer from my Superannuation manager about how to transfer my Australian funds to Canada so that we can then use it as part of the deposit for a townhouse. I was hooked up to a little machine overnight to see if I have sleep apnea...hopefully this time they can get a reading from the machine!

Other than that it has been pretty quiet and has given us an opportunity to rearrange the if you have not seen our place for a while you HAVE to act surprised when you come visit.

Now to pester Kimberly to post all the fun parts of her new job...