And some more done!
Well, we are getting the wedding bands organised. Mine has been picked out and is ready to go. Kimberly is currently engagement ringless as hers is being created. So Kimberly is wearing her promise ring on her engagement ring looks a little...well...different.
But it is definitely in a good cause!
Kimberly has had her first dress fitting and things seem to be moving smoothly there. Of course I have not seen the dress and have had nothing to do with the fitting sessions so I am just passing on what I have been told!
The search for a tux is moving along, I am probably going to be fairly traditional with mine (and Chris said that he is wearing exactly the he does not care...) and I will probably get on that for next week.
On a non wedding is my birthday! Well, I am posting this on the Saturday and the Sunday is my birthday. But Kimberly took me out to dinner last night and gave me my present! She gave me a Wii! So we started playing...and 3 hours later we realised how much time had passed...So much fun :-)
And we also got our first Wii injury! Kimberly had bent slightly to get set...and one of the kittens decided to jump and climb up she has some scratches and claw marks on her back...Not exactly a normal Wii injury hey?
But we ever do things normally?
Part of the reason for getting presents early is that Sunday is Canadian Thanksgiving, so Happy Thanksgiving and much Turkey to all!
And the other reason is that we are having a few friends over tonight (Saturday) and hence having the Wii could make for some interesting times :-)
And as for the rest of our life? The house is doing fine, the kittens are fine, Kimberly is enjoying her work and I am going to be searching for a new job soon as the Office I work in is being closed at the end of the year and all operations moved to Castlegar...and I am NOT moving to Castlegar...
Normal life? What is that?
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