Friday, September 07, 2007

So where to begin...

Well, it has taken a long time between posts...Again!

So a little bit of a rushed update:
The invites have started being sent out.
The dress has been delivered.
The menu with the caterers has been all set.
The engagement photos have been taken and we will put details on how to view them on the blog soon.
The venue is letting us have a rehersal and seems to be very accomodating in what we want.
The new house is going very well.
The new kittens are slowly getting used to live in our house and we are slowly getting used to having them around.
My new (well, not so new anymore) job is going well.
Kimberly is enjoying her job.
We both travel back and forth to Vancouver pretty regularly...but rarely on the same day.

And the reason I have not posted for a while is that the blog was converted to their new style and I did not have a gmail account that would allow me to post. So I finally sat down and tried to find an email address that I liked and I finally did :-)

So I will be back to try and keep people updated with the goings on for the wedding!