Sunday, March 11, 2007

Update: Life

Wow. Let's see.

Since I last posted.... Terri, Maid of Honour, had her baby! His name is Carter, and as I write this he is just past three weeks old. He's a very happy baby with a full head of hair who loves to eat and loves to be cuddled. He's very quiet and easy going, which of course is easy at that age when you're surrounded by people who love you, which he is. I hosted the baby shower at someone else's place due to crazy cat syndrome, and it was great! good company, good food, no stupid games.

Chris and I were both going through the process of applying for new jobs, me within my current work unit and he in a totally different part of government doing very different work. We both signed letters of offer on Wednesday, I started the Monday before I signed and he starts on the 26th of this month.

With that in place, on thursday we went and got preapproved for a mortgage, friday we met with a realtor, this morning we looked at some places and tonight we put in an offer.

The place we offered for has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, three skylights and three walk in closets. It's in very good shape, has lovely blonde hardwood floors, and it has a great layout. It's on two really good bus routes, so it's even better for our no-car lifestyle than where we live now.

Do we sound really busy yet?

I can't even get over how fast life is moving, and how quickly the things I've been dreaming about are materializing. I feel unbelievably fortunate.

Now if I could just find a wedding dress, life would be peachy keen!


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