Monday, April 30, 2007

Moved in!

At least, all our stuff is now in the new house.

I have to say, hiring movers was the best move EVER. It cost us less than the damage deposit we got back from the old place, and it made life so much easier. While they were doing the heavy lifting, Chris was cleaning the old place and I was sorting the kitchen with mom. Worked great. And, because Chris was going around behind the movers vacuuming as the furniture came out, when we went back to REALLY clean the old place, it was the fastest, easiest clean out ever. very smooth.

The place is still pretty chaotic, but it's getting there. The bed's together - it was wierd sleeping somewhere new last night, but in our bed, with our scared cats! and the living room is more or less there, aside from the dozens of boxes of books and dvds that must be dealt with. Kitchen is making good headway, but has been delayed.

For whatever reason, the second I laid eyes on the dishwasher, I didn't trust it. Something about it just screamed "I want to flood your kitchen and ruin the laminate flooring! Mwahhahahha!"

So saturday night, after some friends had helped us move some things from the old place, I told my mom I didn't want to use it (the new one we bought is delivered and installed on tuesday) and I figured we could handwash the newspaper ink off the dishes and get them ready to use. I explained my bad feeling about the dishwasher.

"The dishwasher does NOT want to flood your kitchen." my mother responded. "It wants to wash your dishes. Put it this way - it wants to wash your dishes a hell of a lot more than I do!"

So, the next morning she arrived with dishwasher soap thingies, loaded it up, and turned it on.

And I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed as soap and water drooled out of the bottom where the seal has gone.

So, we have one load of clean dishes, but haven't had time to wash the rest yet. we're getting there!

It was funny when we pulled up, it looked like they hadn't moved out. They left the welcome sign on the door, all their little garden gnomes, and the curtains on all the windows as well as the blinds. Oh, and the drippy icicle christmas light thingies - on the insides of the windows. Pretty much the first thing I did was tear down all the ugly curtains, and then the next morning while waiting for the moving truck I got rid of the ugly garden ornaments too. Feels much less THEIRS now, and since it has our things in, more OURS.

We're pretty happy.


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